A Beginner’s Guide To House Rendering

From traditional lime render, to the more modern polymer options, what will you choose?

Render texture from property

There are several varieties of home render available, each with their own qualities and therefore suitability depending on the property. The most common types of render are:
- Lime Render – a breathable render that’s fairly flexible, lime render is often the coating of choice for older homes who need the ventilation. Lime renders are the most common in the UK and are available in several different forms;
- Cement Render – usually mixed on-site before being applied in two or three coats. Cement render tends to be cheap but often cracks and damages over time, which can result in the requirement for regular re-painting or costly fix work;
- Polymer Render – a pre-mixed solution and usually through-coloured, polymer render doesn’t need further painting and is less prone to cracks and disintegration than cement;
- Acrylic Render – applied as a thin-finish coat to seal an underlying coat, acrylic render can be added over layers of other render as further element protection;
- Silicone Render – often the longest lasting render, silicone essentially self-cleans as it washes every time it rains;
- Monocouche Render – a single layer render, monocouche is very popular throughout Europe but has yet to hit the mainstream in the UK. Monocouche boasts the texture and flexibility of traditional lime renders but is hard-wearing, weather resistant and low-maintenance.

What colours do House Render come in?
Render can either be supplied plain to be painted over or as a through-coloured mix applied already coloured. The latter is more expensive but is lower maintenance, as it won’t require re-painting as it ages. Render that’s painted over can be painted in any colour, although ideally the tone or shade should fit with the other materials on the exterior of the home – and neighbouring properties, too. It should also be considered that lighter colours will need regular cleaning to maintain their vibrancy. There are some self-cleaning renders available on the market (manufactured with surfaces designed specifically to repel dirt and grime) but even these will require a wipe or hose down from time to time.

Does House Rendering stop damp?

House rendering is often used as a ‘quick fix’ to stop penetrating dam where water becomes trapped in cracks between the render and the brickwork. However, it is by no means a full solution and should only be used alongside preventative and repair measures to tackle the causes of the damp. House render will not stop damp if there are recurrent roof issues, guttering problems or damaged fascia boards as the excess moisture will continue.

How much does it cost to Render your House?

As with any renovation project, the cost of rendering your house depends on many variables.
Traditional house rendering using sand and cement tends to cost between £36-£60m², which usually includes two coats of external masonry paint. Monocouche rendering costs upward of £40m² but is more difficult to obtain as not every tradesperson is trained in its application. Lime render costs between £45-£50m² as it is fairly time-consuming to apply. External insulation fitting with a render on top costs between £70-£90m².

Does House Rendering require a professional or can it be done DIY?

Although technically a house could be rendered by an untrained homeowner, it is difficult work – not least to make it look good, but also to protect the exterior underneath sufficiently! For a smooth finish and a seamless surface in a decent time and with the right precision requires specialist training and so it is always recommend that an expert tradesperson takes on the job.

Do I need Planning Permission to Render my House?

Most Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) permit house rendering under Permitted Development Rights, providing that the finish does not go against the ‘aesthetic’ design of the neighbourhood. Most exterior updates (render, stone, pebble dash, cladding and timber finishes) on terraced or semi-detached properties can be completed without formal permission, but any dwelling that is listed or situated in a designated conservation area will require authority administration first. A specialist renovation expert will be able to advise whether or not Planning Permission needs to be sought.

How often does a House need to be Rendered?

House rendering, if done professionally and to a high standard, should last up to 30 years. Many renderers offer a guarantee of 25 years on their work, so it’s always worth opting for a professional to complete the job if you have the budget for it.
House rendering is a very common exterior finish but not something widely considered by homeowners until they need it applying. As ever, Refresh Renovations only work with the highest quality and most experienced professional renderers and will guarantee their work so you can be assured of the best possible finish. Call our team today and get chatting – we can arrange a home visit to see your property and to talk through all of your rendering options.

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